School Field Trips

Walking In Their Footsteps!

Choose the Hutchinson Homestead & Learning Center for your next field trip opportunity! We offer programs to schools, homeschool collaboratives, and other educational organizations. All classes are hands-on and active, with a variety of age-appropriate activities in every session. Activities may include games, traditional arts, journaling, Primary Source inquiry, exploration and team work.

Program Themes include:
Hutchinson Family History
Pioneer/ Cultural History of Chaffee County
Sharing the Land with the Ute People
Homesteading: The Origins of Sustainable Living
Bringing History to Life through Historic Preservation
Cowboy Culture
High Altitude Ranching Then & Now

Learning About the Past on a Homestead
Cultural Traditions on a Historic Homestead
Think Like a Historian!
Pioneer History on a Historic Homestead
Historic Events Come to Life

Think Like a Preservationist!
Pioneer Migration and Homesteading in the Chaffee County region
The Hutchinson Homestead & The Homestead Act
The Hutchinson Homestead & It’s Relationship to US History
Change & Continuity on a Historic Homestead over 150 Years

Competencies and Standards are aligned with Colorado State Common Core Academic Standards, and the themes, inquiry questions, evidence outcomes and lesson activities relate directly back to these standards. Lessons are adaptable to support classroom curriculum and student learning.

Want to Bring the Hutchinson Homestead back to your classroom?
Saddle Bags that include Pre- and Post- Field Trip Extension Activities are available for classroom loan!

Activity suggestions, instructions and supporting materials are provided for each grade level in support of a field trip to the Hutchinson Homestead, and can be used either in preparation for the students’ time at the Homestead, or as review from their on-site learning.  One Saddle Bag is available for K-4th Grade, and a second for 5th Grade-HS.


Please email to inquire about pricing, to schedule a field trip for your group, and reserve a Saddle Bag.



Lesson plan development made possible in part by
History Colorado State Historical Fund Education Grant Project #2016-M2-009